We’ve decided to start making monthly updates about the development of Truer than You and other news about the studio, to let you in on what’s happening.
Truer than You is progressing steadily. I (Bobbi) am currently writing the last scenes of the game, getting closer to drafting the full game. The goal is to have a first version of every scene by the end of December. It feels great to see that we’re starting to tie up all the loose ends, especially since the content of this game has been a really hard beast to tame!
Simultaneously, Pixie is working on the underlying systems to support saving and porting to consoles.
Apart from writing, there’s a lot of other content that needs to be produced, to take the game to an alpha stage. There are many characters, backgrounds and illustrations to draw, so my tablet will definitely go warm – and that’s good, since it’s currently pretty cold here! (When writing for the game, it’s actually rather hard to remember that it takes place during the summer. It’s very easy to get affected by the current time of the year and adding in winter sweaters and cups of hot tea…)
Other news is that our studio has been accepted into the formation phase of the Sweden Game Arena startup program, with our next project (!!), that you’ll get to know more about further on. The program aims to support projects in early stages, and we’re looking forward a lot to taking part in it, and getting to know the other studios.
That’s it for December, hope you’ll have a cozy Christmas, if that’s something you engage in, and if not, we hope you’ll have a nice time anyway.
❤ If you’d like to support us, please add Truer than You to your wishlist.
❤ We’d also be super happy to welcome you in our Discord server!